The Benefits of Sport on Professional Life

Sport holds a prominent place in our society, and its benefits are recognized in many aspects of daily life. Beyond its advantages for physical and mental health, sport also plays a crucial role in professional life. According to a study by Medef, an employee who engages in regular physical activity can achieve up to 10% more effectiveness during work hours. In addition to fostering team cohesion and reducing stress, let’s explore the various benefits of sport on professional life.

Improvement in performance and productivity

One of the main benefits of sport is the enhancement of performance and productivity at work. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, employees who regularly exercise are more productive and less likely to take sick leave than their sedentary colleagues. Physical activity stimulates blood circulation, increases oxygen supply to the brain, strengthens the immune system, and promotes the production of endorphins, the happiness hormones.

Regular physical activity helps improve concentration and creativity, which are essential qualities for being effective at work. For me and some of my colleagues, it is an integral part of my lifestyle and thus my work,” explains Axel Batalha, a senior consultant at NAOS International.

Moreover, 43% of employees who engage in regular sports activities report feeling less stressed at work, according to the Occupational Health Observatory. Indeed, this sports break allows individuals to relax, clear their minds, and return to work with renewed energy.

Strengthening team cohesion

Sport is also an excellent way to strengthen team cohesion within a work group.

You may have experienced this within your company; team-building activities centered around sports promote the development of positive interpersonal relationships and strengthen the sense of belonging.

At NAOS International, we ran the 10 km of Tours and the 10 KM of the Eiffel Tower last year, and we hope to organize more joint sports activities soon. As a running enthusiast myself, I try to inspire others! These moments of camaraderie and self-overcoming are important for our entire team,” emphasizes Axel Batalha.

A survey conducted by the National Institute of Sport, Expertise, and Performance (INSEP) showed that companies that encourage team sports report improved cooperation among employees, reduced internal conflicts, and increased job satisfaction.

Stress reduction and improved mental well-being

“Healthy body, healthy mind”

Stress is one of the main factors of discomfort at work, and it can have detrimental effects on the health and productivity of employees. Sport is recognized for its anti-stress virtues and its positive impact on mental well-being. Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, which act as natural antidepressants and provide a sense of well-being. Not to mention the psychological aspect, as these sports practices often serve as an escape, allowing everyone to recharge and temporarily leave behind sometimes stressful professional concerns.

Sport allows individuals to better cope with stress. It brings physiological balance. A person who regularly engages in physical activity distances themselves from everyday problems. This state provides a well-being that radiates into all aspects of life, including the professional side,” reminds Christine Le Scanff, sports and work psychologist and director of the UFR STAPS at Paris-Sud University 11.

Can sport provide useful values for the corporate world?

It is known that physical and sporting activities contribute to strengthening essential values in the workplace. Among them, we can cite solidarity, trust, commitment, self-awareness, perseverance, self-overcoming, or healthy competition. Are these principles, often sought after in candidates during recruitment, genuinely encouraged by managers at the heart of company life?

While participating in sports may be viewed positively by a recruiter, not all companies place the same importance on this aspect.

Often, companies readily acknowledge the benefits of sports but provide little time for their employees to engage in it.

However, depending on the types of organizations, several incentive options are possible:

  • Implementation of flexible hours: Offering more flexible working hours allows employees to organize their time to integrate sports into their daily routine. Whether at the beginning or end of the day, this flexibility encourages better stress management and improves the work-life balance.

  • Access to sports facilities: Some companies invest in sports infrastructure such as internal gyms, sports fields, or swimming pools. For those who cannot afford it, partnerships with nearby fitness centers or subsidized memberships are an excellent alternative.

  • Coverage of membership fees: Offering employees the opportunity to benefit from free or discounted memberships at gyms or wellness clubs can significantly influence the adoption of these practices. This becomes even more attractive if this coverage is included in the company’s benefits.

  • Group sports sessions: Organizing group sports sessions during breaks or after work can enhance team cohesion while encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Activities like yoga, running, or outdoor fitness sessions are increasingly popular in companies aiming to create a motivating work environment.

  • Comprehensive wellness program: Integrating sports into a broader workplace wellness initiative, including workshops on nutrition, relaxation sessions, or consultations with life coaches, promotes a company culture focused on the overall health of employees. This can also include internal sports challenges, fostering friendly competition among teams.

The benefits for the company are numerous. Notable improvements in productivity, reductions in absenteeism, and increased employee satisfaction and retention. Employees, for their part, benefit from a work environment that values their physical and mental well-being, helping them feel more fulfilled and motivated in their daily lives.

In conclusion, sport represents a major asset for professional life, offering significant benefits for both employees and companies. It enhances performance, fosters team cohesion, and contributes to stress reduction, creating a healthy and motivating work environment. Despite the recognition of these advantages, it is crucial for companies to implement concrete initiatives to encourage sports practice within their teams. By investing in the well-being of their employees, they can not only increase productivity but also strengthen engagement and job satisfaction. Promoting sports in the workplace is thus a win-win approach.